Despite the great need, there is a shortage of mathematics teachers in the U.S. who are highly trained in the mathematical sciences. Students with interest in teaching secondary school (middle school and high school) mathematics, and with good background in mathematics should find this program particularly attractive, and are encouraged to pursue Master’s degree in this track.
The program is suitable for students who have already completed an undergraduate teacher-training program and students who have already been certified to teach. Students can also enroll in the program in their junior or senior undergraduate years to pursue a dual degree. Undergraduate juniors and seniors currently pursuing the Teaching Option in mathematics are especially encouraged to apply. The program is designed to strengthen a student’s knowledge in mathematics, statistics, and computer science, to provide an in-depth study of mathematics teaching, and to develop the ability to handle and understand the use of state-of-the-art instructional technology. In addition, the program can be tailored to satisfy education and other requirements for certification if certification is needed. Students seeking certification should contact the Teacher Education Program at (856) 225-6051.
Students obtaining master’s degree in this track will be provided with a complete set of employment skills in modern mathematics education and instructional technology. The program is self-contained and accommodates both full-time and part-time students, with all courses scheduled in the evenings. This track also offers a Teacher Education Program, leading to New Jersey State Teacher’s certification. The course and other requirements for TPP depend on individual cases. Details can be obtained upon consultation with the program director.
The minimum requirement to complete the track is to take the seven required courses and three elective courses.
Required Courses
56:645:505 Analysis I (3)
56:645:507 Contemporary Issues: Teaching Beyond Regurgitation (3)
56:645:508 Mathematical Reasoning (3)
56:645:531 Geometry (3)
56:645:549-550 Linear Algebra and Applications I,II (3,3)
56:645:556 Visualizing Mathematics by Computer (3)
Elective Courses
56:645:503-504 Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable I,II (3,3)
56:645:506 Analysis II (3)
56:645:530 Theory of Manifolds (3)
56:645:532 Differential Geometry (3)
56:645:540 Computational Number Theory and Cryptography (3)
56:645:545 Topology (3)
56:645:551-552 Abstract Algebra I,II (3,3)
56:645:570 Special Topics in Pure Mathematics (3)
56:645:575 Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations (3)
56:645:698 Independent Study in Pure Mathematics (3)
56:645:700 Thesis in Pure Mathematics (3)