To qualify for a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics (Teaching Option), a student must satisfactorily complete with a grade of C or better each of the following courses in the suggested four-year schedule. Changes from the standard program must be approved by the department. 

For more detailed information, see the curriculum worksheet.

Note: Courses with asterisks (*) can be counted toward the accelerated Master of Arts in Teaching degree which leads to certification for teaching in New Jersey secondary schools.

Required Courses (48 credits)

  • 50:640:121 Calculus I OR 50:640:123 Active Calculus I (4 credits)
  • 50:640:122 Calculus II OR 50:640:124 Active Calculus II (4 credits)
  • 50:960:183 Elementary Applied Statistics OR 50:960:185 Introduction to Data Science (3 credits)
  • 50:640:250 Linear Algebra OR 50:640:253 Linear Algebra with Applications (3 credits)
  • 50:640:300 Mathematical Reasoning with Proofs* (3 credits)
  • 50:640:311 Introduction to Real Analysis I* (3 credits)
  • 50:640:314 Elementary Differential Equations (3 credits)
  • 50:640:331 Probability and Stochastic Processes (3 credits)
  • 50:640:351 Introduction to Modern Algebra I (3 credits)
  • 50:640:356 Theory of Numbers (3 credits)
  • 50:960:336 Applied Statistics OR 50:960:481 Mathematical Statistics (3 credits)
  • 50:640:435 Geometry* (3 credits)
  • 50:640:465 Methods in Teaching Mathematics* OR 56:300:510 Teaching Methods* (3 credits)
  • 50:640:491 Math Seminar (3 credits)

Total: 56 credits