Our faculty conduct cutting edge research in a wide variety of areas. See Faculty Research Highlights for more information.
Nawaf Bou-Rabee, Professor
Email: nb361@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856)225-6093; Office: BSB 309
Website: https://sites.rutgers.edu/nawaf-bou-rabee/
Education: Ph.D. in Applied and Computational Mathematics, California Institute of Technology
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics and Probability
Siqi Fu, Distinguished Professor
Email: sfu@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-2349; Office: BSB 426
Website: https://people.camden.rutgers.edu/sfu
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis
Research Interests: Geometric analysis in several complex variables, spectral theory of partial differential operators
Haydee Herrera-Guzman, Associate Professor
Director of the Graduate Program
Email: haydeeh@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-2667; Office: BSB 428
Website: math.camden.rutgers.edu/faculty/haydee-herrera/
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Research Interests: Differential Geometry
Howard Jacobowitz, Distinguished Professor
Email: jacobowi@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6308; Office: BSB 313
Website: https://jacobowitz.camden.rutgers.edu/
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, New York University
Research Interests: CR geometry, Several Complex Variables
Debashis Kushary, Associate Professor
Email: kushary@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6087; Office: Armitage 313
Education: Ph.D. in Statistics, Rutgers University
Research Interests: Statistics
Sara Leshen, Assistant Teaching Professor
Email: sara.leshen@rutgers.edu
Phone: 856-225-6324; Office: BSB 429
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, Vanderbilt University
Research Interests: Pure and applied harmonic analysis; time-frequency analysis.
Haisheng Li, Professor
Email: hli@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-2348; Office: BSB 407
Website: math.camden.rutgers.edu/faculty/haisheng-li/
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, Rutgers University
Research Interests: Infinite dimensional Lie algebra, vertex operator algebra, quantum vertex algebra and their association with various algebras such as Yangians and quantum affine algebras.
Christopher Lim, Assistant Teaching Professor
Email: chlim@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-2932; Office: Armitage 311
Education: M.S. in Mathematics, Rutgers University-Camden
Research Interests: Mathematics Education
Randy Mershon, Assistant Teaching Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator
Email: rmershon@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6091; Office: Armitage 315
Education: M.S. in Mathematics, Rutgers University-Camden
Research Interests: Mathematics Education
Mahesh G. Nerurkar, Professor
Email: nmahesh@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6614; Office: BSB 312
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Research Interests: Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Benedetto Piccoli, Department Chair, University Professor, Lopez Chair
Email: piccoli@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6356; Office: BSB 424
Website: https://piccoli.camden.rutgers.edu/
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics
Longmei Shu, Assistant Professor
Email: longmei.shu@rutgers.edu
Office: Armitage 317
Website: https://sites.rutgers.edu/longmei-shu/
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
Interests: Evolutionary game theory; Mathematical biology; Isospectral transformations of multi-dimensional systems and networks.
Gabor Toth, Distinguished Professor
Email: gtoth@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6538; Office: BSB 310
Website: https://math.camden.rutgers.edu/faculty/gabor-toth/
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University
Research Interests: Differential geometry and convex geometry
Yuchung Wang, Professor
Email: yuwang@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-2364; Office: Armitage: 319
Website: https://math.camden.rutgers.edu/faculty/yuchung-wang/
Education: Ph.D. in Applied Statistics and Statistical Computing, Rutgers University
Research Interests: Categorical data analysis, multivariate dependence, conditionally specified distributions, social networks, computational statistics, and quality engineering (Taguchi Method).
Emeritus Faculty
Joseph Gerver, Professor
Email: gerver@camden.rutgers.edu
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of California-Berkeley
Research Interests: Analysis, N-Body problem
Dinesh S. Bhoj, Professor
Email: dbhoj@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6092; Office: Armitage 317
Education: Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests: Statistics
Will Y.K. Lee, Associate Professor
Email: wylee@camden.rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-2365; Office: BSB 425
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Research Interests: Number Theory
Josephine Johansen, Assistant Teaching Professor
Email: jjohanse@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Education: M.S. in Mathematics, Drexel University
Research Interests: Mathematics Education
Affiliated Faculty (Part-Time Lecturers)
- Gregory Buthusiem gregoryb@camden.rutgers.edu
- Daniel Cargill dcargill@camden.rutgers.edu
- Kitty Cheng kit.cheng@rutgers.edu
- Brandon Dougherty brandon.dougherty@rutgers.edu
- John Gohagan jg1413@rutgers.edu
- Dmitry Leiderman leidermd@camden.rutgers.edu
- Dongyuan Ma dongyuan@camden.rutgers.edu
- Randy Mershon rmershon@camden.rutgers.edu
- Paul More paulmore@camden.rutgers.edu
- Nick Sanchirico nesan@camden.rutgers.edu
- Tejas Shah tejasg@camden.rutgers.edu
- Yun Yoo ysy6@camden.rutgers.edu